

Song- Take your place lord! Have your way we are ready to hear you Lord, when you are done pls take the glory, I'm satisfy just to see you glorified.

We receive grace by faith through christ redemption by his blood on the cross. Halleluyah!

What is Grace ? God’s Unlimited favour.
“Yes”, but from my own view it really goes beyond the unmerited….
The very definition of grace is what sponsor the unmerited favor that you and I enjoy today.
GRACE is person call JESUS…phil 2vs 9-10. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,

Grace is not limited to what we can access alone (material ).It’s entire. The Bible say’s Eph 1 vs 3. (Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Christ, who hath blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ)..
Lets see what grace does when it is entire….open with me- 1 pet 5 vs 10.
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

When God's enabling grace come upon you, change is certain.
God enabling grace does not get things done alone, “He Empowers”.
Bible say. He will give you strength . you will become a better person. Your sorrow of one time becomes testimonies of now.
I Red a story
PT with irregularity of HB prescribed with all kinds of cardio med no effect, after all trials Dr. recommends surgery…. Catch ambulation, Meaning— 2 cable planted, 1 projected for Heart Functioning, 2nd reposition/ correct the HB.
Surgery was carried out successfully, After the procedure done, PT ask since is talking much time to replace / regulate my HB.
Don't you think, it will be helpful if you can help treat some unwanted/relatively effecting the HB! E.g. Unforgiveness, grindy, grievance, stubbornness. Dr responded! Sorry that is out of my pilgrimage. Halleluyahhhhhh

There’s always limitation to man’s strength, Medication, works of physician. Only Gods enabling grace has no limitation. When his enabling grace come upon you, your change is certain. The bible say’s he will give you strength. God perform more than heart surgery, allow him to work in your heart and you will become a better person.
