Is there no oil in Gilead?

Jer.8.22 - Is there no balm in Gilead, Is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery For the health of the daughter of my people?

Exposition : Three questions were asked in that verse 22 and it was sent from the lord through prophet Jeremiah.
Is there no balm in Gilead? The balm or oil represents the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross of Calvary. The blood that came out from seven different parts of Jesus Christ and it's still flowing and working healings till today. Gilead is an eastern city in Judah that has only one Palm tree. In like manner, we may have many physicians or doctors or prophet that had come before Jesus but Jesus remain the Greatest physician of all.
Therefore we must believe that there's a great physician that can heal our land, lives, body etc.

There are two types of sicknesses:
* Physical
* Spiritual
Physical sickness are as follows headaches, running stomach, Malaria etc. Earthly doctors or physicians can only care for physical sickness or diseases. That's why they say in hospitals that We care, God heals or Cure.

Spiritual Sicknesses are as follows
* You're a prayer warrior before and now you're no more.

* You believe and observe fasting before but now you can no longer deny yourself food.

* You're an active worker in the vineyard of God but now you're lazy or not having interest in doing God's work.

* You're a goal getter ( focused to achieve great things in the Lord) before but now you're a spectator or among the multitudes. Don't be part of the spectators, referee or lines man that always look for the mistakes of others, rather be the player that want to score a goal( getting to heaven at last).

* You allowed peace in your marriage before but now you're a boxer to your wife or fights every time.

Domestic violence This is common in Nigeria
* Financial breakdown
* *Business recession
* Spiritual life( Walk with God)

We should know, Jesus is the greatest Physician that can heal both physical and spiritual sickness. Declaring from Jeremiah 17:14 " Lord, Heal me, I shall be healed, Save me, I shall be saved" That's our declaration as believers.
Also, James 5:14 established the fact that if anyone is sick should be brought to the elders for prayers and anointing and he shall be healed. He stressed the fact that anointing works effectively for healing if they can embrace it over there too.

In conclusion, if you want to receive Divine healing from the great healer, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN ( Let Jesus know you, be in Christ so as to be protected from every arrow shot by the evil ones) and YOU MUST HAVE A GREAT FAITH( faith comes by hearing and hearing of the word of God, be determined to receive your healing from God). A case study of the woman with the issue of blood, she had unalloyed, unbiased and unwavering faith. Do the same and you will receive perfect healing today.

Praise the Lord!!
Remain blessed.
